Deploy a Weaviate Database on Kubernetes using Helm
version v1.0.0
Deploy weaviate-kubernetes v1.0.0
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v1.0.0Application Version
N/AWeaviate is an open-source vector database that can be easily deployed to your cloud infrastructure using Zeet. With Zeet, you can easily manage your Weaviate Projects without the need for manual setup or configuration.
Deploying a Weaviate Vector Database to your cloud infrastructure using Zeet is a straightforward process. Simply select the Weaviate Blueprint, specify the configurations you need, and hit deploy. Zeet will handle all the necessary setup and configuration, and you'll have a fully-functioning Weaviate Vector Database ready to use in no time.
Configuring your Weaviate Vector Database on Zeet is easy. Simply specify the desired configurations such as database name, number of replicas, and storage size. You can also specify advanced configurations such as performance tuning and security settings. Once the configurations are set, hit deploy, and Zeet will handle the rest.
Want to learn more about the deploying and running ML/AI infrastructure on top of Zeet? Check out our solutions page on how to run your entire machine learning and AI infrastructure stack in your cloud on top of Zeet.
Ready to start implementing? Check out the docs page on how to deploy and use a Weaviate vector database instance in Zeet.