Deploy your code as a serverless container with automatic scaling on GCP.
version v1.0.0
Deploy zeet-gcp-cloud-run v1.0.0
Google Cloud Run is a powerful and flexible serverless platform that makes it easy to run your applications in a fully managed environment. With Cloud Run, you can deploy and scale your applications without worrying about managing servers or infrastructure. Sound good? Get started in seconds with Zeet’s CloudRun Blueprint.
Deploying a serverless application to Google Cloud Run is trivial with Zeet. Provide a git repo or a docker image, configure to your liking, and we’ll handle the rest. We’ll handle deployment, management, and scaling, and you handle growing your business.
Configuring your application on a Cloud Run Project in Zeet is easy and flexible. You can specify the projects your application requires, such as CPU and memory, and customize the scaling options to meet your needs. If you’re looking for advanced configuration options, add custom domains, SSL certificates, and networking options.
Save time and effort by automating the deployment and scaling process of your applications using the Google Cloud Run Blueprint in Zeet. You can be confident that your applications are running on a fully managed and scalable platform that is maintained by Google Cloud, with all the flexibility, logging and monitoring, and centrality of Zeet.
Want to learn more about the deploying and running your infrastructure at scale on top of Zeet? Check out our solutions page on how to use Zeet to infinitely scale your business.