Welcome back to another changelog of everything new chez Zeet. This week we shipped a bunch of bug fixes, performance improvements, and quality of life updates in preparation for some exciting new functionality landing soon
New Features
Let's start with the meat: what can I do on Zeet now, that I couldn't do before?
AWS Secrets Manager Integration
We've added an integration to AWS SSM to allow for AWS users to easily securely store secrets in AWS. This is intended for users who want to take the security of their environment variables into their own hands, it is not required.
Want to try it out? Check out the docs!
Datadog Logging Support
Using Datadog + Zeet? Want your logs in Datadog without sending them there yourself? We've integrated with Datadog's log support and will now ship all of your application's logs to Datadog
Want to try it out? Select the Datadog logging provider and input your Datadog API Key in the Logging settings for one of your projects
Bug fixes + improvements
The 🐞s we squashed, and a few changes to look for in your dashboard this week.
Copy Project Flow
We gave the Copy Project flow some special attention, thanks to the feedback so many of you gave us.
- Copied projects now default to Paused
- New projects now have better default names
- Isn't this toggle nicer than a dropdown?
Beyond the copy flow, this week we also changed:
- We've made Lambda deploys on Zeet f a s t e r. How much faster? By our count, at least 20 seconds!
- Deploys getting stuck? We fixed a major case causing your changes to get stuck "DEPLOYING"
- We fixed a bug in specifying Persistent Volumes while creating new projects
- Removed the experimental NextJS build method
That's all for this week! Got feedback, or something you'd like to see yourself? Hit me up on Twitter or shoot me an email!
P.S if you read this far, I'll send you an exclusive Zeet T-Shirt if you DM me your size and address 🙊