Zeet Features

Zeet helps you deploy your cloud apps, containers, and jobs, with dozens of features to let you operate better once you're live.
Zeets interface app
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Deploy & Provision


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In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.


Zeet has robust CI/CD built in with advanced features like auto-deploys, manual deploy approvals, branch resource configuration, and rolling deploys. Rollbacks are also handled in the event of a bad deploy.

Zeet integrates directly with your VCS, including Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

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Create a Project

We've taken the best practices for each of the modern cloud-native building blocks and brought them into one place, so you can quickly leverage cloud native tools like Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, and Helm to build resilient infrastructure systems.

This addresses the problem of figuring out which tool is the best for the job - if we have a project type for it, just use that. We've taken the best practices for each of the 6 project types (which are all common infra technologies), and made them super accessible.

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VCS Commit Status for Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket

Users can view commit statuses for a given Project.

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Select Deploy Strategy

Configure how Zeet should manipulate Kubernetes Pods to facilitate deployment. Choose between built in options to achieve zero-downtime-deploys or guarantee only a single replica is ever running.

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Deploy to Multi-cluster

Select as many Kubernetes clusters as desired, and the application will be deployed across all of them. Any changes made to the application will be replicated across each cluster, enabling centralized operations that are accessible to any developer on the team.

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Deploy Kubernetes Manifest

Link Zeet to a github repo with a kubernetes manifest, and we will deploy the manifest to your cluster for you

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Deploy Terraform Stack

Connect to Github repo, and Zeet will run a pipeline comprised of Terraform plan, human approve, Terraform apply. The pipeline is configurable, and logs for each step are visible in Zeet

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Manage Terraform Remote State Backend

Zeet will automatically provision a cloud bucket (AWS or GCP) and maintain Terraform state in that bucket.

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Manual Deploy Approval

Turn off auto-deployments to avoid code going out without intent, to safeguard against rogue deployments, and to facilitate debugging.

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Serverless Support

You can deploy code to a Serverless framework directly from Zeet. No cloud consoles, no scaling, just select a repo.

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Auto-Content Distribution Network (CDN)

Provision a CloudFront CDN and configures associated resources to minimize the configuration you need to provide to set up a powerful, production-ready CDN.

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Blueprints & Templating


Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Output Schema

Define a mapping of underlying infrastructure fields to concepts Zeet understands, allowing you to connect your Zeet-deployed services to other Zeet-deployed services.

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Zeet Blueprints

Zeet provides official blueprints that are used across our customers and are guaranteed to scale, so that teams can run off the shelf software quickly without having to innovate on un-differentiated patterns. Ability to transfer services across clouds

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Custom Blueprints

Custom Blueprints allow you to create repeatable infrastructure templates from a Manifest or Chart your provide. Custom Blueprints show up in the Project Creation flow UX, for your application developers to use.

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Infrastructure & Cluster Management


Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Kubernetes Cluster Import

Link an existing Kubernetes Cluster(s) to Zeet. Zeet will facilitate deployment of k8s resources to these clusters, but the maintenance of the cluster will remain up to you.

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Kubernetes Cluster Provisioning

Create and destroy Kubernetes clusters from Zeet for any clouds that have been linked.

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Zeet Managed Cluster Ejection

Eject your clusters or cluster components, or import any Helm releases from your clusters directly into Zeet, allowing full management control of them as Zeet Projects.

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PodSpec Patching

Directly modify the K8s Manifest that Zeet deploys - you can add anything via YAML from new components or sidecars.

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Deploy to Multi-cluster

Select as many Kubernetes clusters as desired, and the application will be deployed across all of them. Any changes made to the application will be replicated across each cluster, enabling centralized operations that are accessible to any developer on the team.

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ECR Cleanup

Automate your ECR repository cleanup with Zeet.  Remove build cache images older than 30 days and deployment images older than 7 days. while safeguarding any recent images by preserving the last 10 images for each project or branch.

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Domains & Networking


Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Enable Host Networking

Enable direct networking access to the node running your application without the need for a load balancer.

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Private Network

Deploy a service to an environment with 0 public networking, improving security posture for a given service, as well as minimizing latency between backend services

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Wildcard Custom Domains

Create an SSL cert that matches all subdomains of a given domain. I.e *.zeet.co, *.foo.zeet.co

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Multi-cluster Custom Domains

Create an SSL cert that works across applications deployed in different Kubernetes clusters. This will automatically keep SSL status in sync between clusters.

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Certificate Auto-renewal

Don’t worry about renewing your cert(s), we'll do it for you.

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Private Service Discovery

Deploy services within your cluster to a private network. Services within a Private Network have a private DNS name associated with them, which will always point to the latest deployment of the service.

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Logging & Monitoring


Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Change Approval

Inject a human into your CI/CD process, and make pipelines pause until a human approves deploys.

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Environment Alerts

Configure notifications for your important environments. Send them to your Slack, Discord or email channels.

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Deploy, Build, & Pod Crash Notifications

Zeet will send Kubernetes Pod Crash notifications, for any of your clusters in any of your clouds, to any Integrations you have set up including Slack, Discord, and soon Email.

Pod crash notifications give you visibility into the health of your pods, and if there is a crash, intervention is usually warranted. These notifications apply to crashes associated with Docker or Container App Blueprints.To configure your notification Integrations so you can get these notifications sent to your team’s communication channels, head to the Settings > Notifications.

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Cloud Quota Troubleshooting

Zeet will automatically check your cloud quotas to tell you if you're hitting a cloud limit, and send you to the right place to increase the limit.

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Revisions Audit-log

Get a centralized view of which infrastructure changed, when the resources were changed, and who changed them. Using Revisions, get an audit trail of change and easily roll back your changes. Revisions tracks configuration changes across your Clusters, Clouds, Project, Repos, and Blueprints.

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Log Snapshots

Upon a pod crash, get a snapshot of the logs from when the crash happened so that you can quickly debug what went wrong and fix the issue.

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Container Observability

Get metrics and logs broken out by your Project's containers and replicas for Helm and container-based releases.

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Prometheus Metrics Tracking

Zeet automatically pipes metrics from your Zeet-deployed Projects - no need to set up an agent. Metrics are conveniently grouped by Zeet Project, meaning you can see all the metrics you care about for your Project from one panel. The Zeet Metrics tab highlights key metrics (CPU, Memory, Network In/out, Disk Usage), with easy access to Prometheus for a more detailed view.

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Built-in Prometheus metrics tracking enables less-sophisticated developers to quickly ascertain the status of a deployment and infrastructure, and provides a solid foundation for more sophisticated teams to build their observability stack off of.

Log Forwarding

With our Log-integrations, view current and historical logs pertaining to your deployed apps, databases, jobs, and services, and easily pipe logs directly to a log provider of your choosing, including Datadog, Betterstack, Logz.io, LogDNA, and Syslog.

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Security & Compliance


Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

& More


Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Zeet Dashboard

The Zeet dashboard is the centerpiece of your engineering team's internal platform, giving teammates access to provision, observe, and manage resources across clouds. Manage releases, view logs and metrics, configure auto-scaling and replicas, as well as a host of self-serve features for developers.

Get visibility into all your services in one central dashboard.
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Link Database

Automatically link your database to other applications with Zeet.

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Zeet Terminal

Click a button and open a shell into your production containers.

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Configure Persistent Volumes

Store data across deployments, common in stateful workloads.

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Connection Info

Zeet surfaces the connection information immediately for any of your Zeet-deployed Databases.

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Groups & Subgroups

Organize your Projects into logical groupings and sub-groupings like Environments, Test, or Application bundles, and view the Environment Variables shared across those groupings.

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Troubleshooting Deployment & Cluster Issues

When your deployment fails, what do you do to fix it? There are many possible failure modes, which can make it difficult to debug.

Zeet makes a best guess as to which error is in your way, and exposes it via the UI to give you a helpful hint.

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Terraform Provider

Define your Infrastructure using Terraform code so you get total control of your Projects and the underlying cloud resources. With the Terraform Provider, keep everything in your git to get the change-tracking and collaborative benefits of git, with the deployment ease and team centrality of Zeet's UI, CLI, and API.

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Custom Environment Variables

Configure custom environment variables across your project, environments, and cloud resources to easily manage secrets and other context-level variables.

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Zeet API and Terminal

With Zeet's API and CLI, you can have full control of your cloud operations using code. Whether you utilize it for programmatic scaling, or to make changes to your apps and services with scripting, you can do it all with Zeet's API/CLI toolkit.

When you deploy a Project using Zeet, Zeet gives you terminal access to your deployment, allowing you to interact with the underlying Kubernetes pod directly. The terminal is handy for testing, reviewing configuration, and debugging. You can use the Zeet GraphQL API to build integrations that extend and enhance Zeet features. The API is documented in Zeet Docs.

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Health Checking

K8s clusters and the underlying infrastructure go stale, get into weird states, fall out of health, which causes the applications and services living on the failing clusters to not perform.

Zeet will keep an eye on your clusters, and will do much of the work behind the scenes to ensure they stay healthy.

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AWS Marketplace

Zeet is on the AWS marketplace, meaning you can purchase Zeet directly through AWS. With the AWS Marketplace integration, you get one cloud bill to cover both your cloud costs, and your Zeet plan.

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Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.


Zeet has support for 7 public clouds as deploy targets. Whether you're deploying a Serverless application, a model to your GPU cluster, a Docker Image, Infrastructure as Code, or something else, do it seamlessly with our multi-cloud support. Supported clouds include AWS, Akamai Linode, CoreWeave, Vultr, GCP, Azure, and Digital Ocean.

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Custom Domains

Configure a custom domain for your application so that you can use a domain of your choosing for your cloud services. With custom domains, whether you're wiring up services or exposing a web frontend, you have full control of the domains of your applications.

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Custom Environment Variables

Configure custom environment variables across your project, environments, and cloud resources to easily manage secrets and other context-level variables.

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Failover Support

With Zeet, you can have multiple clouds configured, and if you ever need to deploy or hhave a redundant stack running, it's as easy as changing the destination of your cloud service deploys.

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Zeet API and Terminal

With Zeet's API and CLI, you can have full control of your cloud operations using code. Whether you utilize it for programmatic scaling, or to make changes to your apps and services with scripting, you can do it all with Zeet's API/CLI toolkit.

When you deploy a Project using Zeet, Zeet gives you terminal access to your deployment, allowing you to interact with the underlying Kubernetes pod directly. The terminal is handy for testing, reviewing configuration, and debugging. You can use the Zeet GraphQL API to build integrations that extend and enhance Zeet features. The API is documented in Zeet Docs.

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Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.


Zeet has robust CI/CD built in with advanced features like auto-deploys, manual deploy approvals, branch resource configuration, and rolling deploys. Rollbacks are also handled in the event of a bad deploy.

Zeet integrates directly with your VCS, including Github, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

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Zeet Dashboard

The Zeet dashboard is the centerpiece of your engineering team's internal platform, giving teammates access to provision, observe, and manage resources across clouds. Manage releases, view logs and metrics, configure auto-scaling and replicas, as well as a host of self-serve features for developers.

Get visibility into all your services in one central dashboard.
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Zeet Blueprints

Zeet provides official blueprints that are used across our customers and are guaranteed to scale, so that teams can run off the shelf software quickly without having to innovate on un-differentiated patterns. Ability to transfer services across clouds

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Revisions Audit-log

Get a centralized view of which infrastructure changed, when the resources were changed, and who changed them. Using Revisions, get an audit trail of change and easily roll back your changes. Revisions tracks configuration changes across your Clusters, Clouds, Project, Repos, and Blueprints.

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Custom Environment Variables

Configure custom environment variables across your project, environments, and cloud resources to easily manage secrets and other context-level variables.

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Serverless Support

You can deploy code to a Serverless framework directly from Zeet. No cloud consoles, no scaling, just select a repo.

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Failover Support

With Zeet, you can have multiple clouds configured, and if you ever need to deploy or hhave a redundant stack running, it's as easy as changing the destination of your cloud service deploys.

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Rolling Deploy

Every time they commit, Zeet goes through the rigorous process of guaranteeing that the code is functional before putting it in front of end users.

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1000s Community Registry Blueprints

Deploy thousands of services from many registries around the internet in just a few clicks, directly to your clouds' clusters.

From the Docker Registry, to popular Github Repos, to Helm, Terraform, and more, find a Community Blueprint that works for you.

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Log Forwarding

With our Log-integrations, view current and historical logs pertaining to your deployed apps, databases, jobs, and services, and easily pipe logs directly to a log provider of your choosing, including Datadog, Betterstack, Logz.io, LogDNA, and Syslog.

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Hide Secrets from Dashboard

Manage secrets directly from Zeet's secure secret manager, and hide them so they're inaccessible to your wider team.

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Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Zeet Dashboard

The Zeet dashboard is the centerpiece of your engineering team's internal platform, giving teammates access to provision, observe, and manage resources across clouds. Manage releases, view logs and metrics, configure auto-scaling and replicas, as well as a host of self-serve features for developers.

Get visibility into all your services in one central dashboard.
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Groups & Subgroups

Organize your Projects into logical groupings and sub-groupings like Environments, Test, or Application bundles, and view the Environment Variables shared across those groupings.

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Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.

Link Database

Automatically link your database to other applications with Zeet.

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Connection Info

Zeet surfaces the connection information immediately for any of your Zeet-deployed Databases.

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Terraform Provider

Define your Infrastructure using Terraform code so you get total control of your Projects and the underlying cloud resources. With the Terraform Provider, keep everything in your git to get the change-tracking and collaborative benefits of git, with the deployment ease and team centrality of Zeet's UI, CLI, and API.

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Custom Environment Variables

Configure custom environment variables across your project, environments, and cloud resources to easily manage secrets and other context-level variables.

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Change Window Configuration


In conclusion, the case study on streamlining cloud operations underscores the significant benefits of optimizing cloud processes. The implemented solution resulted in a 40% reduction in operational costs, generating substantial financial savings. Additionally, the organization witnessed a remarkable 30% increase in overall productivity, driving significant growth.

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By streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging automation, the organization achieved enhanced efficiency and agility. The 50% faster application deployment further contributed to improved competitiveness and time-to-market.

This case study highlights the tangible advantages of simplifying cloud operations in today's fast-paced business landscape. Organizations that embrace streamlined cloud processes can expect cost savings, productivity gains, and a competitive edge. It serves as a valuable reference for organizations seeking to leverage cloud technologies effectively and thrive in the digital era.


Zeet has support for 7 public clouds as deploy targets. Whether you're deploying a Serverless application, a model to your GPU cluster, a Docker Image, Infrastructure as Code, or something else, do it seamlessly with our multi-cloud support. Supported clouds include AWS, Akamai Linode, CoreWeave, Vultr, GCP, Azure, and Digital Ocean.

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Custom Domains

Configure a custom domain for your application so that you can use a domain of your choosing for your cloud services. With custom domains, whether you're wiring up services or exposing a web frontend, you have full control of the domains of your applications.

Play button

Custom Environment Variables

Configure custom environment variables across your project, environments, and cloud resources to easily manage secrets and other context-level variables.

Play button

Failover Support

With Zeet, you can have multiple clouds configured, and if you ever need to deploy or hhave a redundant stack running, it's as easy as changing the destination of your cloud service deploys.

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Zeet API and Terminal

With Zeet's API and CLI, you can have full control of your cloud operations using code. Whether you utilize it for programmatic scaling, or to make changes to your apps and services with scripting, you can do it all with Zeet's API/CLI toolkit.

When you deploy a Project using Zeet, Zeet gives you terminal access to your deployment, allowing you to interact with the underlying Kubernetes pod directly. The terminal is handy for testing, reviewing configuration, and debugging. You can use the Zeet GraphQL API to build integrations that extend and enhance Zeet features. The API is documented in Zeet Docs.

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Deploying apps and services has never been easier

Reach out if you want to learn more about our features.