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11 Jan
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Changelog 1/25/24 - Debug Containers, Project Types, Cluster Ejection, and more!

Insane one this week with Debug Containers, Project Types, Cluster Ejection, as well as an awesome new Blueprint.

Jack Dwyer


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So What's New?

Debug Containers

With Debug Containers, you can now live debug your running pods by spinning up an ephermeral container that gets access to the envs, logs, and applications on the pod. Read more about it here.

Project Types

Blueprints were a great start to simplifying the deployment process, but as we worked with more users, we found that it'd be useful to categorize them into different types. With this, Project Types were born.

With Project Types, select what type of service you'd like to deploy, then select a Blueprint. You can optionally use the old flow if you'd prefer.

Cluster Ejection

This is a really exciting features for our more advanced teams. Now, hop into your cluster settings to easily eject various cluster components so you can have full control over them.

Anything Else???

Django Blueprint

Elastic Search for K8s is here. Deploy an agent that handles all the heavy lifting of Elastic Search with just a few clicks using Zeet's simple Blueprint flow.

More Blueprints, more features, more Zeet:

  • Multi-cluster Projects
  • Multi-Project PRs

That's all for this week! Got feedback, or something you'd like to see? Hit us up on Twitter or shoot us an email!

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