So What's New?
Howdy Folkz 🤠!
It's been two weeks since 2 Thursdays ago, which means it's time for another edition of your greenest changelog.
We really got to work over these last few weeks, and I couldn't be more excited to hit you with another batch of features.
Zeet used to operate on a 1:1 VCS model, but that has recently changed!
You spoke from many places, and we listened. You can now have multiple git accounts for one Zeet account, or multiple Zeet accounts for one git account. Learn more in the docs!
Supporting more clouds is close to the top of our priority list this year. The goal is to get to 100+, and Vultr gets us one step closer.
Vultr is a worldwide cloud provider with PoPs in pretty much every region around the world. EMEA, APAC, and South America all have excellent coverage, allowing you to better serve your customers out there, or expand into those markets if you haven't already. Explore the docs on how to get started with Vultr.
Inter-project Pub/Sub
I made a Zoolander joke in the email changelog, so of course I've gotta keep it going with the same joke. We're not talking to aliens here, but your projects CAN now talk to each other.

With project pub/sub, your projects can share deployment status, version strings, artifact tags, and more. Generally if your project is a dependency for something else, we want to make it easy to communicate to those dependents.
Bug Fixes + Improvements
The 🐞s we squashed, and a few changes to look for this week.
A Fix to the Docker Pull Error
Every so often you might have encountered a Docker Pull error. This would at time crop up during times of high traffic due to rate limiting. Instead of requiring you to ship less (lame), we updated our system to handle your insane velocity (cool).
A Brand New Blueprint!
Magento is a PHP-based e-commerce platform. It predates things like Wix or Squarespace, but serves a similar function: add an online store to your website. If you're building your own website, or fancy having a ton of control and love PHP, check out the Magento Blueprint!

Anything Else???
More Blueprints, more features, more Zeet:
- Helm Chart support coming SOON!
- Multi-git accounts
That's all for this week! Got feedback, or something you'd like to see? Hit us up on Twitter or shoot us an email!
Happy Shipping!