So What's New?
Howdy everyone!
I'm running low on clever today, so going to be direct: we made updates our IaC and UI. Those sound like things you might be interested in? Well then keep reading!
Terraform and Kubernetes Manifest Configurations
As IaC becomes more and more of a first class citizen in Zeet, it's only reasonable that we add more ways to get more out of it.

You should be able to configure your IaC packages to your liking, and in order to enhance that, we brought the configuration right into the Project settings.
Public Git as Helm Source
Public repos are a popular source for our various IaC Blueprints, and now Helm has them enabled.

Utilize a Public Git repo for your Helm Chart to easily create Projects using your favorite charts.
Infinite Scroll in List View
List view has been getting A LOT of love lately (we still love you Card View), and the love continues.

If you've got more than say, 20 projects (looking at a lot of your), this might be for you. Even though we fixed pagination load times a few changelogs ago, we still want to make you even faster (can I get a KACHOW!?). Check it!
Bug Fixes + Improvements
The 🐞s we squashed, and a few changes to look for this week.
PlatformCon 2023
We sponsored PlatformCon 2023, and had a chance to put together two talks. Check them out!
A Brand New Blueprint!
Another unreal cute logo this go-round. Microservices are a huge part of a lot of your workflows, so this Blueprint might interest you. Traefik is a load balancer (among other things) specially designed around microservices.

Anything Else???
More Blueprints, more features, more Zeet:
- More flexibility in your billing and plan
- Revisions and Audit Log
Workshop June 28th!
That's all for this week! Got feedback, or something you'd like to see? Hit us up on Twitter or shoot us an email!
Happy Shipping!