First and foremost, I will never call you that again, but if you aren't using the changelog to try out new collective nouns, you aren't taking advantage the opportunities in front of you.
As you probably recall, last month was all about Blueprints, and this month we're getting back to our normal routine—ship features, fix bugs, and improve quality-of-life for you all. Check out what we did!
So What's New?
Gitlab Token Refreshing
A subtle change, but one that'll hopefully clear up a lot of confusion. If you use Gitlab, the whole token updating process used to be a bit obscure and unclear. Now it works how you'd expect.

Simply update your API key from your settings > integrations menu and you're done.
Bug Fixes + Improvements
The 🐞s we squashed, and a few changes to look for this week.
A Brand New Blueprint!
Weaviate is a vector database that is purpose-built to store embeddings. We know a lot of you have your hands in the AI space, and our new Weaviate Blueprint will get you going in no time flat. You focus on the models, we'll focus on the infrastructure that supports them.

Back at Kubecon EU we had a chance to sit down with some amazing folks and talk Platform Engineering, AI, and the future of DevOps. Give it a listen!
New Relic Grok
Did you catch the news? New Relic's new AI-powered Observability assistant, Grok, is here. Instrumentation, issue flagging and remediation, and account management—automatically. Check it out.

Anything Else???
More Blueprints, more features, more Zeet:
- Helm Chart support coming SOON!
- Multi-git accounts
That's all for this week! Got feedback, or something you'd like to see? Hit us up on Twitter or shoot us an email!
Happy Shipping!