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16 Apr
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ENV0 vs Terraform Cloud: A Side-By-Side Evaluation for DevOps Teams

Compare ENV0 vs Terraform Cloud side-by-side in this evaluation guide for DevOps teams. Find out which platform suits your needs best.

Jack Dwyer

Platform Engineering + DevOps

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Overview of Infrastructure as Code (Iac) and Its Importance

overview of Env0 vs Terraform Cloud

What is Tarraform and IaC? Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the ability to provision and support your computing infrastructure using code instead of manual processes and settings. Any application environment requires many infrastructure components like operating systems, database connections, and storage. Developers have to regularly set up, update, and maintain the infrastructure to develop, test, and deploy applications. 

Manual infrastructure management is time-consuming and prone to error—especially when you manage applications at scale. Infrastructure as code lets you define your infrastructure's desired state without including all the steps to get to that state. It automates infrastructure management so developers can focus on building and improving applications instead of managing environments. Organizations use infrastructure as code to control costs, reduce risks, and respond with speed to new business opportunities.

The Role of IaC in DevOps

DevOps is the process of improving collaboration between software development and IT operations teams. It aims to shorten the application development lifecycle and provide continuous delivery of high-quality software. DevOps teams integrate operations activities with developer tools and code commits, so applications can have extremely rapid release cycles. A key goal of DevOps is to automate infrastructure tasks across the development process. 

You can integrate infrastructure as code (IaC) into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This way, when software goes through its build and release process, the necessary infrastructure changes can be made in tandem. 

DevOps teams use infrastructure as code for many purposes: 

  • Quickly set up complete environments, from development to production
  • Help ensure consistently reproducible configurations between environments
  • Integrate seamlessly with cloud providers
  • Efficiently scale infrastructure resources up or down based on demand. 

IaC provides a common language for both developers and operations. Changes can be reviewed in a transparent manner, which fosters better collaboration in a DevOps environment.

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What is Env0?

person working in an agency - Env0 vs Terraform Cloud

I want to discuss env0, a fascinating platform that simplifies cloud environment management through automation tools. Env0 revolves around the concept of infrastructure-as-code templates, enabling the effortless deployment and management of cloud environments. This platform offers a user-friendly interface coupled with robust governance tools and cost control mechanisms. 

A key strength of env0 lies in its ability to provide insights into cloud resource consumption within an organization, shedding light on who utilizes these resources. Let's examine some key features and use cases of env0:

Infrastructure as Code and Environment as a Service

Infrastructure-as-code involves managing infrastructure using a software tool like Terraform, whereby a model stored in configuration files facilitates the construction of a cloud environment. This method automates infrastructure provisioning and is instrumental in establishing a seamless CI/CD pipeline. 

Infrastructure-as-code extends beyond staging or production deployments; it aims to create self-contained sandboxed environments for various scenarios like development, testing, and demos. These sandboxed environments are part of a concept known as environment-as-a-service.

Managing Environment-as-a-Service with env0

Env0 introduces a management layer above infrastructure-as-code software to enable administrators to offer environment templates based on the existing configuration. Administrators can regulate variables, cloud credentials, and define policies for access control, environment time-to-live, and budget constraints for users. 

Users benefit from an intuitive interface for self-provisioning and environment management within the preset policies. They can also customize deployments within policy limits and access deployment history and logs. Env0 equips administrators with tools to monitor user-created environments, gather usage and cost metrics, and provide insights into cloud resource utilization patterns.

The Advantages of Using env0

1. Effort Savings

Env0 streamlines adapting infrastructure-as-code configurations for various environments and eliminate the need to build user flows from scratch, making it a time-saving solution.

2. User-Friendly

Env0's user flow is straightforward, quick to grasp, and doesn't require in-depth technical knowledge, enhancing accessibility and usability.

3. Cost Savings

Env0 significantly reduces cloud expenditure by tracking cloud spend by user and purpose, limiting environment lifetime, and setting spending limits by user, team, or project.

4. Enhanced Control

While offering self-service capabilities, env0 allows administrators to define policies, monitor running environments in real-time, and gain insights into cloud usage trends, ensuring control without compromising flexibility.

Through its innovative approach to cloud environment management, env0 empowers organizations to optimize resources, streamline workflows, and enhance governance in a cost-effective manner.

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What is Terraform Cloud?

cloud computing and Env0 vs Terraform Cloud

Terraform Cloud is an application that helps teams use Terraform together. It manages Terraform runs in a consistent and reliable environment, and includes easy access to shared state and secret data, access controls for approving changes to infrastructure, a private registry for sharing Terraform modules, detailed policy controls for governing the contents of Terraform configurations, and more.

Terraform Cloud is available as a hosted service at Small teams can sign up for free to connect Terraform to version control, share variables, run Terraform in a stable remote environment, and securely store remote state. Paid editions allow you to add more than five users, create teams with different levels of permissions, and collaborate more effectively.

Terraform Cloud Plus Edition allows organizations to enable audit logging, continuous validation, and automated configuration drift detection.

Terraform Cloud Features

1. Workspaces

2. Projects

3. Run

4. Variables and Variable Sets

5. Policies and Policy Sets

6. Run Tasks

7. Single Sign-On (SSO)

8. Remote State

9. Private Registry

10. Agents

11. Drift Detection

Optimizing Cloud Deployments with Zeet

Zeet helps you to get more from your cloud, Kubernetes, and Terraform investments and helps your engineering team become strong individual contributors through our CI/CD & deployment platform. 

Contact Zeet to learn more about how Zeet can help you get seamless cloud deployments every time, and helps your team to become a top-performing engineering team.

An In-Depth Env0 vs Terraform Cloud Comparison

woman working alone - Env0 vs Terraform Cloud

Provisioning and Deployment

Terraform Cloud/Terraform Enterprise and env0 are both automation platforms that go beyond CI/CD for provisioning infrastructure. They provide similar features in terms of infrastructure as code (IaC) capabilities. Terraform Cloud allows users to manage Terraform executions, data as well as manage workspaces, state, and state versions with the Centralized Terraform Enterprise instance. 

With env0, users can manage IaC just like Terraform while providing a multi-framework approach for users to choose their preferred IaC tool: Terraform, Terragrunt (including run-all), Pulumi, Kubernetes, Helm, AWS CloudFormation. 

Collaboration and Team Management

When it comes to team management and collaboration, Terraform Cloud and env0 provide different approaches. env0 allows for more granular permissions by providing different layers of access, like Organization, Template, Projects, and sub-projects. 

Users can create custom roles on the fly to fit their organization's security and compliance requirements. Terraform Cloud, in contrast, provides permissions on a per workspace basis and does not have as many layers to control access. 

State Management

Both Terraform Cloud and env0 provide state management features in their platforms. They store terraform state in both platforms and provide state management features in their respective platforms.

Integrations and Ecosystem

Terraform Cloud only supports Terraform, while env0 supports 4 more IaC tools: Terragrunt (including run-all), Pulumi, Kubernetes, Helm, AWS CloudFormation. Both Terraform Cloud and env0 provide the ability to use a private registry for modules and providers.

Cost Differences

Terraform Cloud charges per resource (Remote Unified Metrics), while env0 is priced per deployment. Terraform Cloud does not have unlimited concurrent runs. env0 always allows unlimited concurrent runs, meaning you can deploy changes and bootstraps concurrently in different environments. Both platforms provide cost estimation features. Env0 offers budget overrun alerts.


Both platforms offer cost estimation features, plan and apply on pull request (Atlantis-style workflow), automatic drift detection, highly available service with an SLA, flexible support model. They also both support remote backend storage for terraform state and offer a public and private registry for modules and providers. 


Both platforms offer different features and costs, like Terraform Cloud being more expensive for larger organizations and env0 being more cost-effective. Terraform Cloud only allows plan on pull request. Env0 offers multi-tier workflows, project-based access controls, AWS assume role, and more powerful cost management tools.

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Comparing Use Cases: Env0 vs. Terraform Cloud

person in a meeting - Env0 vs Terraform Cloud

Scenarios where Env0 may be more suitable

Cloud-Native Environments

Env0 is particularly well-suited for organizations heavily invested in cloud-native architectures, such as containerized applications and microservices. Its ability to manage and orchestrate cloud resources across multiple clouds and on-premises environments can be advantageous.

Complex Environments

Env0 can be a good fit for organizations with complex infrastructure requirements, involving multiple clouds, hybrid environments, and a wide range of resources. Its unified platform and automated workflows can help manage this complexity more efficiently.

Continuous Deployment and Delivery

Organizations that prioritize continuous deployment and delivery practices may find Env0's automated workflows and integration with CI/CD pipelines particularly valuable. It can streamline the deployment process and enable faster iteration cycles.

Managed Service Provider (MSP) or Large Enterprise

Env0's multi-tenant architecture and role-based access control (RBAC) can be beneficial for MSPs or large enterprises managing infrastructure for multiple clients or business units.

Scenarios where Terraform Cloud may be more suitable

Existing Terraform Expertise

Organizations already familiar with Terraform and its ecosystem may find Terraform Cloud a natural choice for managing and collaborating on Terraform configurations.

Small to Medium-sized Teams

Terraform Cloud's pricing model and feature set may be more suitable for smaller teams or organizations with moderate infrastructure complexity.

Remote or Distributed Teams

Terraform Cloud's collaborative features, such as remote execution, shared state management, and version control integration, can be advantageous for remote or distributed teams working on infrastructure projects.

Cost-sensitive Use Cases

Terraform Cloud's free tier and pay-as-you-go pricing model may be more cost-effective for organizations with limited infrastructure needs or those focused on cost optimization.

Single Cloud or On-premises Infrastructure

If an organization primarily operates within a single cloud provider or an on-premises environment, Terraform's native support and ecosystem may be sufficient, making Terraform Cloud a more straightforward choice.

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Become A Top Performing Engineering Team With Zeet's CI/CD & Deployment Platform for Kubernetes and Terraform

Zeet has transformed cloud deployments with its innovative CI/CD and deployment platform. By leveraging Zeet, your engineering team can elevate their Terraform investments and deliver top-notch results every time. Zeet enables your team to streamline cloud and Kubernetes operations while enhancing Terraform performance. 

With Zeet, your engineers thrive as individual contributors, becoming adept at managing cloud deployments efficiently. The platform ensures that every deployment is seamless and error-free, eliminating the risk of manual errors. Zeet helps your team maximize the benefits of your cloud investments, ultimately enhancing your engineering team's overall performance. 

Contact Zeet today to discover how you can achieve seamless cloud deployments and transform your team into a high-performing engineering powerhouse.

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