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Complete Guide On Terraform Multi Cloud (2024)

Take your Terraform skills to the next level with this guide on Terraform Multi Cloud. Learn how to manage multiple cloud providers efficiently.

Jack Dwyer

Platform Engineering + DevOps

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Are you interested in what Terraform Multi Cloud is and how it can benefit your organization? Terraform Multi Cloud offers you the ability to manage multiple clouds using code. It enables you to develop a single configuration that caters to various cloud service providers, including Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure. This eliminates the limitations of vendor lock-in by providing users with options. What Is Terraform has the potential to revolutionize your cloud management practices and make your multi-cloud strategies more efficient and successful? Join us as we explore the fascinating world of Terraform Multi Cloud to uncover its potential benefits!

Understanding Terraform Multi Cloud Environment

managing cloud infrastructure with Terraform Multi Cloud

Multi-cloud strategies are becoming increasingly vital in today's cloud computing landscape due to the diverse requirements of modern businesses. Terraform plays a pivotal role in managing infrastructure across various cloud platforms, making it easier to execute multi-cloud deployments effectively. It allows organizations to deploy and manage infrastructure across different cloud providers using a unified configuration language. 

This unified approach streamlines workflows, enables code reusability, and helps manage complex cloud environments with ease. Terraform ensures cost-efficient infrastructure management while providing consistency and fault tolerance, making it an essential tool for successful multi-cloud strategies.

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Getting Started with Terraform Multi Cloud

getting started with Terraform Multi Cloud

Check Provider Compatibility: Verify that the Terraform providers you intend to use support the cloud providers you plan to target. Ensure compatibility by referring to the provider documentation

Establish Naming Conventions

Maintain a consistent naming convention for your infrastructure resources. This practice aids in managing resources effectively across multiple clouds

Implement Tagging

Utilize tags to organize and manage your infrastructure resources. Tags facilitate the identification and management of specific resources

Ensure Security

Secure your Terraform configuration and cloud provider accounts by using robust passwords and implementing IAM roles and permissions to control resource access

Version Control System

rack your Terraform configuration using a version control system. This enables collaboration and facilitates the rollback of changes if needed

CI/CD Pipeline

Automate the deployment of your Terraform configuration through a CI/CD pipeline. This automation ensures consistent and repeatable deployments

Cloud Management Platform (CMP)

Consider using a CMP to streamline the management of your multi-cloud environment. CMPs offer a centralized view of your infrastructure and automate tasks like provisioning and monitoring

Understand Provider Requirements

Declare the necessary providers in your Terraform configuration, specifying their source and version constraints to enable Terraform to install and utilize them

Manage Terraform State

Store your Terraform state remotely, organize and isolate your state files, and leverage commands like Terraform state and Terraform import to manipulate the state file contents

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Zeet helps you to get more from your cloud, Kubernetes, and Terraform investments and helps your engineering team become strong individual contributors through our CI/CD & deployment platform. Contact Zeet to learn more about how Zeet can help you get seamless cloud deployments every time, and help your team become a top-performing engineering team.

Zeet Terraform and Helm Product Overview

Best Practices for Terraform Multi Cloud Deployment

person working on Terraform Multi Cloud

Organizational Strategies for Terraform Projects

One of the key aspects of managing Terraform projects is the organizational structure. Workspaces and modules play a vital role in this. Workspaces allow you to manage different states of your infrastructure in parallel, making it easier to handle multi-cloud environments by separating development, staging, and production environments without duplicating code. 

Modules, on the other hand, help standardize deployments of similar resources across different cloud providers, thereby ensuring consistency, reducing errors, and hastening deployment processes.

Version Control Integration

Integrating Terraform projects with a version control system is crucial for collaboration and change management. By using version control systems, teams can track changes, review code, and manage contributions via merge requests or pull requests. Especially in multi-cloud deployments, this practice ensures that changes are reviewed and applied consistently across all environments.

Directory Structure

A well-organized directory structure is key to managing Terraform code, particularly in complex multi-cloud projects. By structuring directories logically around cloud providers, environments, or services, your infrastructure code becomes easier to navigate and maintain.

Security and Performance Optimization

When dealing with Terraform deployments, security and performance optimization are crucial considerations. Securing Terraform deployments involves managing credentials securely, ensuring least privilege access, and conducting regular audits for compliance. Performance optimization includes utilizing cost estimation tools, monitoring resource usage, and reviewing infrastructure as code for constant optimization.

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Terraform Multi Cloud Configuration Examples

examples of Terraform Multi Cloud

1. Deploying a single AWS S3 bucket using Terraform

The first situation is deploying a single AWS S3 bucket using Terraform. This would allow to test the features of Terraform with a simple use case.

When running this scenario, this needs to initiate the Terraform project, then write the code in a file, populate this file with the necessary properties, and finally run the Terraform apply command.

2. Test the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster across AWS and Azure

The next scenario is to test the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster across AWS and Azure. I made the necessary arrangements for this scenario to work.

Utilize the same project structure but start by writing the code in multiple files. Use a file to hold the configuration for Azure and a file to hold the configuration for AWS.

With this structure in place, make sure the Azure and AWS configurations are correct. Write the code in a file, populate the file with the necessary resources, and finally run the Terraform apply command. This process is time-consuming but will be successful.

Troubleshooting and Debugging Terraform Multi Cloud Environments

code with errors and issues - Terraform Multi Cloud

Common Issues and Their Fixes

1. State File Locks

Terraform locks the state file during operations to prevent concurrent writes, which can lead to errors in multi-user environments. To resolve, ensure that operations are done sequentially or use state backends that support locking and unlocking capabilities.

2. Provider Authentication Errors

These occur when Terraform can't authenticate with a cloud provider due to missing or incorrect credentials. Double-check your provider configuration and environment variables to ensure they contain the correct credentials.

3. Misconfigured Resources

Errors in resource configuration can lead to deployment failures. Carefully review Terraform error messages as they often pinpoint the exact line and file where the error occurred. Validate configurations with Terraform plan before applying.

4. Version Compatibility Issues

Compatibility problems between Terraform versions and provider plugins can cause unexpected errors. Ensure that your Terraform version and all provider versions in your configuration are compatible. Locking provider versions in your configuration can help manage this.

Debugging Tips and Tools

Use Terraform plan and Terraform apply with Care

Always review the plan Terraform generates before applying it. This can help catch potential issues before they affect your infrastructure.

Verbose Logging

Increase Terraform's log verbosity by setting the TF_LOG environment variable to DEBUG or TRACE for more detailed output. This can provide insights into the internal operations of Terraform and help pinpoint issues.

Validate Configurations

Regularly use Terraform validate to check for syntax errors in your configurations. This can catch errors early in the development cycle.

Terraform State Commands

Utilize Terraform state management commands like Terraform state list and Terraform state show to inspect the current state and understand how Terraform perceives your infrastructure.

Third-Party Tools

Consider tools like tfsec for static code analysis to identify potential security issues and best practice violations in your Terraform code.

Community Resources and Documentation

Leverage the Terraform community forums, GitHub issues, and official documentation for solutions to common problems. Many issues you encounter will likely have been faced and solved by others in the community.

Zeet helps you to get more from your cloud, Kubernetes, and Terraform investments and helps your engineering team become strong individual contributors through our CI/CD & deployment platform. 

Contact Zeet to learn more about how Zeet helps you get seamless cloud deployments every time, and helps your team to become a top-performing engineering team.

Terraform Multi Cloud vs. Other IaC Tools

a cloud computer on top of resources - Terraform Multi Cloud


Pulumi offers developers a multi-language, multi-cloud development platform. Its unique selling point is that it allows developers to write IaC using their preferred programming language, contributing to its growing popularity.

AWS CloudFormation and AWS CDK

AWS CloudFormation, a service by Amazon Web Services, gives developers an easy way to create and manage a collection of AWS resources. AWS CDK, on the other hand, is a powerful software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it via AWS CloudFormation. Both these tools are extremely beneficial for those deeply invested in the AWS ecosystem.

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and Bicep

Azure Resource Manager is Azure’s deployment and management service, providing a management layer to create, update, and delete Azure account resources. Bicep, a Domain Specific Language, is designed to simplify authoring ARM templates, making it a potent tool for Azure-based applications.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager and Google Config Connector

Google Cloud Deployment Manager enables users to automate the creation, deployment, and management of Google Cloud Platform resources. The Google Config Connector represents Google Cloud resources as Kubernetes objects, assisting in managing Google Cloud services with the already in-use Kubernetes tools. Both tools are beneficial for those extensively utilizing Google Cloud.


An open-source IaC project from Upbound, Crossplane enables the management of applications and their infrastructures across various on-premises, cloud, and edge environments. Its unique strength lies in its ability to integrate directly with Kubernetes.


Winglang is a recently released “programming language for the cloud.” It combines infrastructure and runtime code into one language, making the development process less complicated. It compiles to IaC languages (HCL, CDK, etc), and Javascript.

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Zeet is an advanced platform that enables engineering teams to maximize their cloud, Kubernetes, and Terraform investments. By utilizing Zeet's CI/CD and deployment capabilities, teams can significantly boost their performance and achieve seamless cloud deployments with every release. Zeet empowers engineering teams to become top performers and strong individual contributors. 

By leveraging Zeet's expertise, your team can streamline their deployment processes, enhance their cloud capabilities, and achieve unparalleled success in their multi-cloud endeavors. Contact Zeet today to learn more about how our platform can help you achieve your cloud deployment goals and transform your engineering team into a powerhouse of innovation and efficiency.

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